My name is Tracy Spencer. I grew up in the small town of Earth, TX. I didn’t come from a preacher’s home, but I had a mother who took us to church and a dad that was faithful to send us to church. They were both great folks who loved the Lord. For much of my life, I would overhear my mom would refer to me as her little preacher.
As I look back, I was about fourteen, when God began to present me with opportunities to serve Him. I was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, in Earth, TX, until moving away for college. My wife and I met at South Plains College, and were married in November 2000. We have two wonderful boys, that love the Lord, and could not be more blessed. Their names are Hunter and Bransen, and they love that we are called to do God’s work.
Tracy and Crystal began attending NTBC in August 1999, after meeting Richard & Melanie Craven. They were looking for a church home they felt would accept them. They both gave their lives to Jesus, and joined New Testament in September of 1999, by believer’s baptism. In 2004, Tracy began serving as the sound tech, assisting with the video ministry. A few years later, he was appointed as youth director. He became NTBC’s interim pastor in August 2016, when our beloved pastor, his dad in the faith, went home to be with our Lord and Saviour. NTBC ordained Tracy as its pastor on November 15, 2016.
They love the Lord, this church, and this church family, and God has blessed this ministry tremendously. God is truly good, all of the time. This ministry is so thankful for the love and support of Melanie, pastor’s wife emeritus, who is still a faithful supports this ministry, through her prayers and encouragement. We are also thankful for what God has done, is doing, and what He plans to do, at NTBC. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has an expected end, which is better than any awaited, unknown thing of this world. We gently invite you and/or your family, to grow with us, as we strive to honor God and His Word.