About Us

The New Testament Baptist Church of Lubbock, Texas was reorganized in April of 1988 by Pastor Richard D. Craven.  NTBC is an independent, fundamental, local body, in which we are Baptist by conviction, and we believe and teach the truth of Scripture and trust the Holy Spirit to bring conviction.  We are a upbeat traditional church with the mission of making disciples, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ both in Lubbock, and around the world.  We are passionate about teaching the Word of God in its entirety and encouraging people to apply it to their lives in a practical way.  Our late pastor, Richard Craven, and his wife Melanie Craven were sent by Baptist Temple Church in San Angelo, Texas, as a ministry extension here in Lubbock, TX.  He was faithful to preach and teach the whole counsel of the scriptures, and to love the people.  Richard will be remembered for years to come.  Mel “Maw” Craven now resides in Granbury, Texas, however, she continues to support New Testament, though prayers and encouragement.  With such a great foundation, allowed by God and His amazing grace, sound preaching and teaching the truths of His Word continues today. The ministry of New Testament is dedicated to honoring and glorifying the One True God, and edifying His church.  We believe that God is always good, and that He intends to sustain and bless everything He begins. Philippians 1:6

We support missionaries through the World Baptist Fellowship Missions Agency.  It is located in Arlington, TX, and has a dedicated staff who love the Lord, and are passionate about furthering the Kingdom of God.  Jesus said in Luke 2:49, “…wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”  This organization has been dedicated to spreading the Gospel and planting Bible-believing Baptist churches, in a number of countries.  We support them as they obediently work to send those that “Go ye therefore.”